An update from SIME
Since its founding in 1975 SIME (the Italian Society of Aesthetic Medicine) has always set goals revolving around research, study and the acquisition of knowledge in regards to aesthetic medicine. This includes ensuring the sharing of information with its members,...
Improving cosmesis after breast implant removal
Removing breast implants has a profound effect on the patient’s appearance; in this article the authors, both expert breast surgeons, discuss how to optimise the cosmetic result. Removing breast implants has a profound effect on the patient’s appearance and we...
The perfect upper lid blepharoplasty
The authors share their thoughts on how to achieve the best blepharoplasty results based on their 35 years of experience. Are you a surgeon wishing to offer the best upper lid surgery to your discerning patients? To help chart the...
Periocular burns: a literature review of classification, management protocols and outcomes of treatment
The author provides a review of the current literature regarding the principles of classification, management protocols of acute ocular and periocular burns and the role of the burn and oculoplastic surgeon involved in their care. More than two-thirds of facial...
Could a left-sided facial perceptual bias affect satisfaction with oculoplastic procedures?
This article has been verified for CPD. Click the button below to answer a few short questions and download a form to be included in your CPD folder. Facial symmetry is usually a priority for both patient and clinician when...
The origin of the Children’s Burns Club
Burn injuries can affect any of us or our families at any time. A momentary lapse in attention can lead to a lifetime of scarring. Whilst any individual member of a family group can be physically scarred, all the family...
BCAM Annual Clinical Review 2021
The British College of Aesthetic Medicine (BCAM) is the only UK body representing aesthetic doctors and dentists that conducts an annual survey of its members’ clinical data, collating information about treatments, complications and trends. The Annual Clinical Review has been...
Impact of medical NGOs and a new collaborative approach: the case of Guinea with Mercy Ships
Mercy Ships (MS) is a global Christian charity that follows the 2000-year-old model of Jesus to bring hope and healing to those suffering from disability, disfigurement, and disease. This article by Professor Diallo and Drs Ugai and Conde, details a...
Stem cells in reconstructive surgery: a bright but cautious future
Regenerative medicine using stem cell technology is slowly becoming a reality in routine clinical practice especially in the field of tissue regeneration [1]. It is therefore not surprising that stem cell technology is starting to be of interest in reconstructive...
Plastic surgery and safety issues: a patient perspective
Patient safety in the unregulated world of cosmetic plastic surgery is now an extremely serious global issue. The media is always ready to sensationalise disasters but what can be done to prevent them? One key issue is the concept of...
Glow like a queen
Dr Vincent Wong explains why skin health is particularly important when it comes to treating drag queens and how to help them glow. In an era of gender fluidity, facial masculinisation and feminisation treatments are rising in popularity. As we...
Sushruta and Indian rhinoplasty
Vijay Pothula explains rhinoplasty’s roots in ancient Indian Ayurvedic medicine, and how it was introduced to the Western world. In 1794 The Gentleman’s Magazine published a surgical operation which was long established in India but unknown in Europe [1]. A...