OPINION - From ethics to commerce: challenges faced by cosmetic practice for 2025 and beyond

Cosmetic medicine and surgery have seen remarkable and ongoing increases in popularity, reflecting advancements in medical technology and evolving societal norms based on, for example, social media, cultural expectations, and globalisation of beauty standards. Unlike with other medical specialties, these...

Extracutaneous Merkel cell carcinoma or metastatic Merkel cell carcinoma with an occult primary?

Merkel cell carcinoma (MCC) is a rare and aggressive malignancy arising from dermal neuroendocrine cells, first described by Toker in 1972 [1]. It is predominately seen in the head and neck region of older, white males and risk factors include...

The impact of 21st century stressors and lifestyle factors on skin ageing

Skin appearance and health play a significant role in everyone’s life and confidence, particularly in today’s 21st century lifestyle and the associated stressors promoting skin ageing. The skin is a dynamic organ, showing apparent signs of ageing and damage, which...