OPINION - From ethics to commerce: challenges faced by cosmetic practice for 2025 and beyond
Cosmetic medicine and surgery have seen remarkable and ongoing increases in popularity, reflecting advancements in medical technology and evolving societal norms based on, for example, social media, cultural expectations, and globalisation of beauty standards. Unlike with other medical specialties, these...
Extracutaneous Merkel cell carcinoma or metastatic Merkel cell carcinoma with an occult primary?
Merkel cell carcinoma (MCC) is a rare and aggressive malignancy arising from dermal neuroendocrine cells, first described by Toker in 1972 [1]. It is predominately seen in the head and neck region of older, white males and risk factors include...
Is point of care ultrasonography just an inscrutable snowstorm or is it here to stay?
To non-radiologists ultrasound may always look like a snowstorm . . . so unless you are the one holding the scanner and moving it over the patient with some idea of their history, it is difficult to know what you...
Building sustainable global partnerships – the BFIRST perspective on future-proofing global plastic surgery
The British Foundation for International Surgery and Training (BFIRST) marks their 10-year anniversary this year as an organisation. As the international outreach arm of the British Association of Plastic, Reconstructive & Aesthetic Surgeons (BAPRAS), BFIRST focuses on supporting surgeons in...
Empowering tomorrow’s surgeons: PRASSA UK’s commitment to advancing plastic surgery awareness within the student population
In the dynamic world of medicine, one organisation stands out as a beacon for aspiring plastic surgeons – the Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery Student’s Association of the United Kingdom (PRASSA UK). Born out of a passion for excellence and...
Management of ruptured breast implants
Breast augmentation is a widely sought-after cosmetic procedure and has empowered individuals seeking aesthetic enhancement or reconstruction following mastectomy for breast cancer. Amid its popularity, the occurrence of implant rupture stands as a critical concern, impacting both physical wellbeing and...
OPINION - Raising awareness of the dangers of local anaesthetic misuse in aesthetic procedures
This article will explore local anaesthesia (LA) and how its misuse can have severe negative consequences. We will also look into how we can address this important issue and help make the industry safer for patients. In the last few...
The impact of COVID-19 on aesthetic plastic surgery in the UK: a survey of the British Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons
Introduction Devastating pandemics have occurred throughout human history, including the Antonine Plague (AD 165-180), the Justinian Plague (AD 514-549), the Black Death (AD 1347-1351) and the Spanish Flu (AD 1918-1919). The COVID-19 pandemic began in Wuhan, China in December 2019,...
Lipoedema awareness – the current state of play
Why do we need awareness? Around 40% of women in the UK are overweight or obese. Yet, within that 40% statistic, is a sub-set of women for whom that is not the full story. They suffer from a condition called...
Skin antisepsis and the prevention of infection: where tradition, science and guidelines collide
“…the quality of the studies was not good enough for the committee to make a strong recommendation for the choice of antiseptic preparation.” NICE Guidelines NG125 Skin preparation before an invasive procedure is a part of all surgical procedures and...
A world-first in cosmetic surgery. All eyes are upon Australia.
The past three years have been tumultuous for cosmetic surgery in Australia. Media reporting on the poor practise of a small number of medical practitioners led to multiple administrative processes including the Independent review of the regulation of medical practitioners...
Body dysmorphia disorder in the cosmetic clinic: a novel encrypted screening approach
In the following article and case study, the condition of body dysmorphia disorder (BDD) is examined in the context of its pathogenesis and the role of the cosmetic practitioner. BDD is a problem that affects patients on a deeply personal...