You searched for "temporal"

261 results found

Exploring skin anatomy, function and site-specific treatment options

A detailed paper exploring salient concepts of skin anatomy pertinent to aesthetic practitioners, performing non-surgical treatments. Components of the epidermis and dermis are comprehensively described, with emphasis placed on clinicians developing an in depth understanding of how the ageing process...

Skin grafts vs local flaps in reconstruction of nasal defects

Nasal defects commonly are a result of removal of skin lesions. Cosmetic outcomes of local flap reconstructions are commonly accepted to be superior in comparison to skin grafts. However, local flap reconstructions require more adjunctive procedures than single-stage operations based...

Wide variation in the volume of the sphenoid trigone

This is a radiological study of the volume of the sphenoid trigone in normal subjects. The authors were interested to see how much volume could be gained by removal of the trigone during an orbital decompression for thyroid eye disease....

Factors affecting the success of canalicular repairs

This is a 10-year retrospective review of 137 canalicular laceration repairs, looking for factors which affected the outcome. A successful outcome was defined as no epiphora at three months or more after removal of the stent. Overall the success rate...

Nasal osteotomies

The authors performed a prospective cadaveric study (N=20). They evaluated different fracture patterns in order to define the necessity for performing paramedian or transversal osteotomies. To do so, the cadavers were divided into two groups. Ten had a paramedian osteotomy...

Diagnosis and management of orbital vascular malformations

This is an authoritative review of a controversial and difficult clinical area. The authors have experience of over 350 cases and provide a well-structured review of the classification and management of orbital vascular malformations. They emphasise the need to understand...

Complications of otoplasty

Otoplasty has a long history. Currently, two schools of thought predominate, which can be summarised as cartilage cutting and cartilage sparing techniques. The former includes removal of cartilage and the scoring of cartilage, whereas the latter involves contouring by placement...

Large collar diameter Jones tubes

This is the first report of the success rates of frosted Jones tubes with larger diameter, 4.5 or 5mm collars. This is a retrospective review of 29 eyes of 25 patients who underwent insertion of a large diameter collar frosted...

Radiotherapy for orbital apex cavernous haemangiomas

This is a review of six patients with cavernous venous malformations (haemangiomas) involving the orbital apex who were treated with fractionated stereotactic radiotherapy. Patients were diagnosed on MRI imaging with only one having had previous surgery to debulk the lesion....

GentleMax Pro® and Frax Pro™

Candela offers industry-leading technologies for popular cosmetic procedures, all targeted for your patients’ needs, backed by clinical evidence, real-world results, and the service...

In conversation with Paul M Friedman

We spoke with Dr Paul M Friedman, President of the American Society for Laser Medicine & Surgery (ASLMS), about his career and the society’s plans for this year. Can you tell us a little bit about what led you into...

How I Do It - Laser hair removal: an overview

Laser hair removal is the most performed aesthetic procedure worldwide, with a continuous and increasing demand over the last two decades. It was introduced to the market in the early 1990s and several million procedures have been performed since then....