You searched for "epidermal"

191 results found

Could epidermal grafting be the solution to vitiligo?

Dr Foutsizoglou shares his thoughts on a recent innovation based on epidermal grafting that could be used on vitiligo patients. I attended the ‘Make Better Summit Meeting’, an international surgical congress organised by Acelity™ and chaired by Professor Dr med....

How I Do It - Photoageing treatment: RF microneedling

Microneedling is a process by which very small, sharp needles are inserted into the skin layers at various predetermined depths to cause micro-injury to the dermis. The epidermal layer is minimally disrupted and healing is achieved without inducing an inflammatory...

Exploring skin anatomy, function and site-specific treatment options

A detailed paper exploring salient concepts of skin anatomy pertinent to aesthetic practitioners, performing non-surgical treatments. Components of the epidermis and dermis are comprehensively described, with emphasis placed on clinicians developing an in depth understanding of how the ageing process...

Focus on Cosmeceuticals: Skin anatomy and photoageing

Skin anatomy The skin of the face provides crucial functions of temperature regulation, reparative functions following injury, facial expression, protective mechanisms against infection and ultraviolet radiation, as well as sensory perception. The integument consists of two principle layers, the epidermis...

Natural lifting effect and skin rejuvenation with biphasic medical peeling combined with microneedling

Skin ageing affects the supporting structures of the skin along with the epidermal tissue. Collagen development slows down, and the ability to bind water decreases, the skin becomes thinner and more sensitive. Microcirculation, oxygen supply, fat content and hydration are...

How I Do It - Combination Treatment – Frax Pro™ System with Cosmeceuticals

The Frax Pro™ is a dual wavelength platform of non-ablative fractional laser technology encompassing the wavelengths 1550 and 1940nm, both in the mid infrared region. This produces tissue coagulation through microscopic zones which ultimately leads to a specific biological response...

An overview of chemical peel formulations

This article has been verified for CPD. Click the button below to answer a few short questions and download a form to be included in your CPD folder. Chemical peels continue to be one of the most popular aesthetic treatments....

Luminescens® protocol: an efficient tool against recurrent melasma

Melasma is a hyperpigmentary skin disease with a complex multifactorial pathogenesis which is not yet well understood. Risk factors include a genetic predisposition, sun exposure, stress, medications, and pregnancy [1]. It is clinically characterised by asymptomatic light to dark brown...

Combination therapy for PIH in skin of colour

Postinflammatory hyperpigmentation (PIH) is very common in skin of colour with up to 65% of African, Hispanic, and Asian populations experiencing symptoms from acne and up to 90% of patients experiencing symptoms from pseudofolliculitis barbae (PFB) [1,2]. PIH can be...

How I Do It - Scar treatment with sequential combination of short full beam and photo-acoustic fractional 1064nm QS laser

Wound healing takes place by two distinct mechanisms. The first involves cellular proliferation and migration resulting in regeneration. This occurs in the epidermis and leaves no scarring. The dermis is a collagen-rich connective tissue and when this is damaged the...

The Essential Burn Unit Handbook (Second Edition)

For some time, trainees have been searching for a worthy alternative to the long outdated and out of print Burns: The First Five Days, which used to be supplied free by Smith and Nephew. This pocket sized, reference manual, seems...

Effect of skin expansion on acellular dermis

Acellular dermis is widely used in prosthesis based breast reconstruction, however, there is a lack of data concerning its expandability and related skin changes. This experimental study in rats aimed to determine whether acellular dermis could be expanded and whether...