You searched for "trauma"

153 results found

Real-world use of telemedicine – a picture is worth a thousand words

Recent advances in mobile phone camera technology and app software design have allowed photos of patients and their wounds to be sent from any smartphone to a secure NHS database, which can then be accessed by the relevant clinician with...

Botulinum toxin and dermal filler treatment for facial deformity: an analysis of patient satisfaction

Dermal fillers and botulinum toxin are being increasingly used to treat facial deformities but are patients satisfied with the results? Facial deformity can result in low confidence and self-esteem amongst patients due to cosmetic and functional difficulties [1]. There is...

Facial nerve palsy and Facial Palsy UK

The term facial palsy is most commonly used to describe a paralytic lower motor neurone (LMN) dysfunction of the facial nerve. Upper motor neurone facial palsy, for example due to strokes and intra-cranial tumours, spares the forehead muscles and will...

Perceptions and deceptions: a personal blog by the editor 4 July 2016

I would like to take this opportunity to share a blog with Chris Day and the other junior doctors to talk about ‘whistle blowing’ and what it means. Typically, it refers to people who “speak out of turn”, “wash the...

Letter from Hong Kong (6 January 2022)

So now we are entering the third year of this global pandemic. It is changing, evolving and is bringing out the very best and the very worst in humanity. Science and scientists have had a real bashing, but then who by? Quacks, aardvarks and gobbeldygooks. Looking back is looking forward.

Want to do exciting entrepreneurial research? – ask the space scientists

Advances in medical technology have improved the quality of life for people around the globe and contributed towards a general increase in life expectancy. Much of this can be attributed to a synthesis between the experience of medical professionals and...

How I Do It - Treatment of lower eyelid bulging: transconjunctival laser approach

Ageing related weakening of the inferior orbital septum and increase of orbital fat volume is considered to result in lower lid prominence. Attenuation of the septum allows the gradual herniation of one or more of the three intraorbital fat pads....

How I Do It - Aesthetic reconstruction of the nasal radix-rhinion complex

The radix-rhinion complex forms one of the most important pillars of nasal aesthetics. Due to its complex anatomical nature and distance from the point of access, this region can be commonly involved in suboptimal results. Tailor-made operative planning Most of...

Is patient masking leading to an increase in post-op infection after eyelid surgery?

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the use of facemasks or face coverings in the clinical setting has become necessary. It is important to recognise that facemasks can be a source of infection after eye surgery and consider ways to minimise...

A study of chronic refractory tibia osteomyelitis treated with surgery and adjuvant hyperbaric oxygen

Introduction Chronic tibial osteomyelitis is a difficult problem to eradicate and often fails to respond to surgical treatment. Orthopaedic surgeons find it difficult to treat these infections which reside as a nidus in dead bone. There is always a risk...

Face to Face – facial reconstructive surgery mission in Ukraine

Photo featuring Ivanna Nebor, MD, Vitaliy Panchenko, MD, Manoj Abraham, MD, John Frodel, MD, Augustine Moscatello, MD, Gregoriy Mashkevich, MD, Bruce Moskowitz, MD, Ryan Winters, MD, Boris Chernobilski, MD, Mykola Syniuk, MD, Serhiy Spivak, MD. In April 2023, a group...

In conversation with Maniram Ragbir

We were delighted to catch up with Maniram Ragbir about his career highlights and his current role as BAPRAS President. Can you tell us a little bit about what led you into the field of plastic surgery and what have...