You searched for "PRP"

281 results found

The Need for Informed Opinions

It is important not to take sides too soon in any debate and let the various parties present their arguments. In this context, I mean ‘argument’ as a structured rational to support a specific position. With regard to aesthetic medicine...

Dermatological Cryosurgery and Cryotherapy

This is a comprehensive dermatological cryotherapy reference book that is a useful asset to your library. With 14 sections and 143 chapters this book is a definitive guide to the use of cryotherapy in dermatology. Starting with the history of...

Poor glycaemic control associated with worse outcomes in primary wound closure

This study is the first to specifically investigate the effects of chronic and perioperative glycaemic control in high risk patients undergoing primary closure of wounds. Seventy-nine patients were included – 93% of closures were of the lower limb and only...

Transgender breast surgery

Most plastic surgeons working outside specialist centres for gender affirmation surgery will have a number of patients within their population wishing to undergo their breast surgery more locally. Surgery for this small minority is informed largely by experience in the...

Risks of tracheostomy in head and neck cancer

Tracheostomy is an accepted surgical procedure that is one of the oldest ways of securing the airway. It is widely accepted to protect the airway after big cases of head and neck cancer and especially following free flap reconstruction. It...

Free Subscription, Free Training

Pabau is a clinic management software that collects and organizes all the information you gather throughout the Patients’journey, empowering you to achieve great things. It will help you automate the appointment process, help to grow sales and save time by eliminating workflow chaos.

The creation of PlayDoh<sup>®</sup> models as an educational tool for teaching anatomy of the eyelid

A full understanding of the anatomy of the eyelid is essential for oculoplastic surgeons; the authors guide us through an innovative way to improve the teaching of this important subject. An understanding of the anatomy of the eyelid is essential...

A suggested management pathway for rhinophyma and benign superficial skin lesions that includes the use of plasma

Rhinophyma is an aesthetic embarrassment to many people. It is the result of sebaceous gland hyperplasia within the skin over the alar cartilages of the nose. It has a familial tendency and in addition to being unsightly it can commonly...

Liposuction – changes in contemporary practice

This article charts the progress and evolution of ‘liposculpture’ over an 18-year period, the surgical journey of over 5000 patients included in the paper. The senior author highlights the technical changes made over the period and how these have led...

New approaches to soft tissue reconstruction involving adipose tissue engineering

Introduction The spectrum of patients affected by subcutaneous tissue loss is both wide and varied, including those who have undergone tumour removal, trauma patients, such as those injured in road traffic accidents, and individuals who have suffered from deep burns...

Perceptions and Deceptions: a personal blog by the editor 3 August 2016

Whistle blowing. What is it? Fascinating discussion with Chris Day, the Junior Doctor in the UK who is challenging the execution of the law in this sensitive area of employment contracts ( More of that later, but just to note,...

Chin augmentation: filler versus prosthesis

Over recent years, aesthetic medicine and aesthetic surgery have become closer and more combined in daily practice. There is also a gradual shift, with aesthetic doctors performing more invasive techniques, whereas plastic surgeons are also, whenever possible, moving to less...