You searched for "temporalis"

122 results found

Bleb-related changes in upper lid position

This is a review of five patients with upper lid ptosis or lid retraction secondary to large filtering blebs post-trabeculectomy. The authors review each case and apply a model to analyse the separate forces acting on the upper lid to...

Another paper advocating resection templates

Resection in the head and neck region leads to complex defects with significant impairment in function. Reconstruction is even more difficult and to improve the accuracy of both resection and reconstruction a number of aids are used. With the improved...

Mercy Mission: all aboard with Mercy Ships off the coast of West Africa

Countries along the coast of West Africa are amongst the poorest in the world. Extreme levels of poverty often lead to poor outcomes or fatalities in many medical conditions that would be eminently treatable, with good outcomes in more developed...

Facial nerve palsy and Facial Palsy UK

The term facial palsy is most commonly used to describe a paralytic lower motor neurone (LMN) dysfunction of the facial nerve. Upper motor neurone facial palsy, for example due to strokes and intra-cranial tumours, spares the forehead muscles and will...

Safety and risks of local anaesthesia and regional blocks in plastic surgery

The current COVID-19 pandemic has introduced unprecedented risks associated with intubation and general anaesthesia with the potential transmission of a novel and potentially fatal airborne disease. Local anaesthesia, when used appropriately, can provide safe and effective analgesia without the risks...

Coronavirus is making us better people

COVID-19 has brought unprecedented challenges to the world of aesthetic medicine. Simon and Emma Ravichandran offer their perspective on the crisis so far and look to the future. The impact of the coronavirus pandemic that started at the end of...

How I Do It - A global approach to facial volumising

As the demand for natural results in aesthetic medicine increases, both patients and physicians are more educated in the complex ageing process of the face. Instead of chasing lines, a more global facial approach with strategic placement of deep volume,...

How I Do It - Breast uplifts: how I do a mastopexy (or breast reduction) with or without implants

Summary and introduction A mastopexy is a breast uplift surgical procedure. It derives from the Greek for breast (mastos, meaning breast) and uplift (from the Greek pexis, meaning fixation). When we perform a mastopexy, we can perform the procedure on...

Perceptions and deceptions: a personal blog by the editor 5 December 2016

I have (temporarily) deactivated my Facebook account. Facebook is an indulgence, like chocolate, and I am sure I can exist without it. The Facebook experience reminds me of those happy Easter holidays I used to spend in 1960s and 70s...

Temporary tracheostomies are not always necessary for head and neck free flap reconstruction

Complex head and neck cancer cases with reconstruction can be challenging due to the risk of loss of airway. Temporary tracheostomies are often used to protect the airway following complex oral and maxillofacial ablative surgery and reconstruction. However, while this...

Risks of tracheostomy in head and neck cancer

Tracheostomy is an accepted surgical procedure that is one of the oldest ways of securing the airway. It is widely accepted to protect the airway after big cases of head and neck cancer and especially following free flap reconstruction. It...

The supraclavicular artery flap for head and neck reconstruction

Free tissue transfer has been manifested to be the primary reconstructive tool for major ablative defects of the head and neck. However, many patients are not good candidates for free tissue transfer because of their medical comorbidities or lack of...