You searched for "regulatory"

309 results found

Hair removal: a summary of techniques with a particular emphasis on the importance and versatility of electrolysis

Background and causes of excess or unwanted hair The management of unwanted body and facial hair has been a constant challenge for the human species since the dawn of human culture in the Neolithic era. Of note this was the...

Who is Qualified The debate continues

At the beginning of November the Hong Kong Secretary for Food and Health, Dr Ko reported on the Working Group that was looking at the differentiation between Medical Procedures and Beauty Services. The group had met three times and seven...

University of Manchester Postgraduate Certificate in Skin Ageing and Aesthetic Medicine (up to 24 months)

A new fully online, part-time Postgraduate Certificate in Skin Ageing and Aesthetic Medicine at the University of Manchester will be launched September 2020 and provides an ideal opportunity to develop knowledge of skin ageing and the evidence base behind aesthetic...

Adoderm launches Variofill® for Gluteal Augmentation

Adoderm GmbH, Cologne, Germany is pleased to announce the long-awaited approval and simultaneous market launch of Variofill® for Gluteal Augmentation in the European Union, United Kingdom and Chile, more countries to follow.

Letter from Hong Kong (6 January 2022)

So now we are entering the third year of this global pandemic. It is changing, evolving and is bringing out the very best and the very worst in humanity. Science and scientists have had a real bashing, but then who by? Quacks, aardvarks and gobbeldygooks. Looking back is looking forward.

PRP and Microneedling in Aesthetic Medicine

Platelet rich plasma (PRP) makes sense scientifically. Platelets are a bit like biological robots. They do not have a cell nucleus, but they do have a program which directs them to surveil blood vessel walls and, in particular, to respond...

Cutaneous Malignancies: A Surgical Perspective

This is a very informative reference text. Twelve chapters have been written specifically for those involved with dermatological surgery. In the UK several specialties may be involved in the surgical management of cutaneous malignancies from dermatologists to plastic and maxillofacial...

Patient-Specific Hybrid Rhinoplasty

Rhinoplasty has changed considerably over the past one hundred years, not only in terms of the surgical techniques used, but also in the outcome desired by patients. There are now a large number of surgical techniques used which deal with...

The importance of nitric oxide in medicine

The harmful effects exerted upon living and injured tissues by free radicals have been explored since the 1980s. Now in 2021 the free radical nitric oxide (NO) is not just a figment of imagination; it is known as one of...

Can I quit the gym? Low level laser and body contouring

Is low level laser the answer for patients seeking a non-invasive method for body contouring? Balancing energy intake and energy expenditure is the healthiest and most sustainable means of weight loss and toning, but despite this, areas of local fat...

The applications of mesotherapy in aesthetic medicine

Mesotherapy is a modern form of therapy that consists of injecting medicines, vitamins and minerals as close as possible to the area that needs treatment. It is an astonishingly effective technique in aesthetic medicine as it treats layers of the...

Is there a role for retrobulbar hyaluronidase in hyaluronic acid vascular embolism related vision loss?

This article has been verified for CPD. Click the button below to answer a few short questions and download a form to be included in your CPD folder. How should vascular occlusions be managed? The authors review the evidence on...