You searched for "lips"

274 results found

Living confidently with a distinctive face or body

The visual impact of having a face which has scars from an accident or burns like mine or a birthmark, a cleft lip and palate, a Bell’s palsy or a skin condition is arguably not taken seriously enough by clinical...

Masculinisation of the male face – ‘power-face’ surgery

What do men want when seeking facial improvement? Authors from the world-renowned European Face Centre explore the modern approach to ‘power-face’ surgery. A growing number of men are seeking the ‘ideal face’ for physical and psycho-social reasons. Orthofacial surgery aims...

The incidence of non-surgical rejuvenation in facial aesthetic surgery

Non-surgical facial rejuvenation has increased exponentially in the last 20–30 years in a society which demands immediate results with minimal downtime. The overall UK market is estimated at £3.6 billion annually. The use of facial injectables increased by 7000% between...

Raising the bar for safer cosmetic surgery in the UK – part 2

In the second of a two-part article (see Part 1 here) Professor James Frame, from the Anglia Ruskin University, gives us his opinion on what needs to be done to improve cosmetic surgery and patient safety in the UK. Medical...

The Linear Bolus Technique and other practical tips for the advanced use of non-traumatic cannulas in aesthetic medicine

Some eight years ago, I read about non-traumatic cannulas in the brochure of a French medical supplies company. I was fascinated by the elegance of these instruments, as they respect the integrity of the tissues by not cutting through them....

Periocular burns: a literature review of classification, management protocols and outcomes of treatment

The author provides a review of the current literature regarding the principles of classification, management protocols of acute ocular and periocular burns and the role of the burn and oculoplastic surgeon involved in their care. More than two-thirds of facial...

Sensitive cilia – eyelashes in health and disease

In health our eyelashes protect the eyes, but in disease they can disfigure, impair quality of life and threaten vision. In this review the authors discuss aspects of lashes that are relevant to all professionals working near the eyes and...

3D photography in facial rejuvenation

The term ageing is widely used to denote a series of changes that are clinically observed over time. Throughout the ageing process, the cell renewal capacity becomes slower. The fibroblast, which is the main cell of the dermis, undergoes a...

Chin augmentation: filler versus prosthesis

Over recent years, aesthetic medicine and aesthetic surgery have become closer and more combined in daily practice. There is also a gradual shift, with aesthetic doctors performing more invasive techniques, whereas plastic surgeons are also, whenever possible, moving to less...

How I Do It - Er:YAG treatment for eyebrow tail elevation and upper eyelid rejuvenation

Following patient demand for eyebrow tail elevation inspired by the ‘Foxy eye’ trend, we have developed this protocol using the Fotona VectorLift technique with hyperstacking of Smooth Mode pulses, to produce a non-invasive enhancement of periocular aesthetics for patients who...

How I Do It - Contouring the lower jaw (surgical)

It is essential to clearly understand the patient’s needs so I usually see patients three to four times prior to operating if major changes to appearance are planned. You must also be able to manage expectations and postoperative outcomes; for...

Converse scalping flap for nasal reconstruction procedures

Case report This 78-year-old gentleman underwent excision of basal cell carcinoma overlying the left alar, nasal tip and nasal dorsum. The Converse scalping flap was raised and used to cover the defect. Non-adherent dressing was applied to provide temporary cover...