You searched for "dermatologic"

254 results found

Safety and risks of local anaesthesia and regional blocks in plastic surgery

The current COVID-19 pandemic has introduced unprecedented risks associated with intubation and general anaesthesia with the potential transmission of a novel and potentially fatal airborne disease. Local anaesthesia, when used appropriately, can provide safe and effective analgesia without the risks...

Recurrent corneal erosions secondary to isotretinoin use

This article originally appeared in Eye News Dec/Jan 2021 Isotretinoin (13–cis-retinoic acid) is the first line treatment for moderate to severe nodulocystic or papulopustular acne [1,2]. Although it is a safe medication, it has several adverse side-effects, including ophthalmic manifestations,...

Platelet-rich plasma from androgenetic alopecia: a pilot study

The authors demonstrate some encouraging results in this pilot study, exploring the benefit of injecting platelet rich plasma (PRP) into the scalp on patients with androgenetic alopecia. This suggests the need to now proceed with a randomised control study to...

Is sclerotherapy useful for cherry angiomas?

Cherry angiomas are common, often proving to be an irritation for patients as they tend to be deemed cosmetically unattractive, particularly if large numbers start to develop. This is a common condition I see at my clinic so I am...

What’s new on the horizon for toxins coming to the market?

With the ever increasing demand for injectable treatments, it is important to keep abreast of new developments in the field. International expert Michael Gold reviews the new toxins due to be hitting the market in the next year. We are...

Progressive peri-orbital swelling over three years: a rare complication of HA dermal filler injection treated successfully by hyaluronidase

The term ‘tear trough’ was first introduced by Flowers in 1969 to describe the deformity that leads to lower eyelid depression. It was proposed that the defect was due to a muscular defect between the angular head of the quadrates...

In conversation with Dr Ibrahim Galadari

You are internationally recognised in the world of dermatology – what led you to into this field? Many doctors think about different specialties when they graduate from medical school. For myself, it was actually already my hobby to look at...

The future of energy-based devices: do we have limits?

Victor Gabriel Clatici asks what is the final frontier in dermatology, plastic surgery and aesthetic medicine?

A novel integrated practice unit (IPU) approach to periocular skin cancer management

The COVID-19 pandemic was one of the biggest challenges to face NHS workers. However, history has repeatedly shown that times of difficulty can result in the development of significant social and technological advances. We describe our own experience of this...

Non-surgical neck rejuvenation – how effective can it get?

BY DR. PATCHANON ASAWAWORARIT The aging neck undergoes several complex changes as a part of the aging process. These multifaceted changes include physiological adjustments at skin, fat, muscle, and bone levels. Aging causes thinning of the skin, a decrease in...

How I Do It - Tear trough rejuvenation

A smooth convexity from the lower eyelid to the upper cheek with flawless skin is considered a desirable feature and a sign of youth. The opposite leads to ‘shadows’ around the eyes and a tired appearance or sunken eyes. Patient...

A short overview of the evolution of botulinum toxin type A formulations

Botulinum toxin type A (BoNT-A) is a potent neurotoxin produced by the bacterium Clostridium botulinum [1]. BoNT-A has been used for various therapeutic and aesthetic purposes, including the treatment of muscle disorders, chronic pain and facial wrinkles [2-4]. Over the...