You searched for "temporalis"

121 results found

Teaching students head and neck anatomy through the art of drawing

The link, both historical and contemporary, between art and anatomy is apparent. A recent British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) documentary The Beauty of Anatomy showcased the impressive contributions of artists towards the deeper understanding of anatomy and, by default, surgical practice....

Hair removal: a summary of techniques with a particular emphasis on the importance and versatility of electrolysis

Background and causes of excess or unwanted hair The management of unwanted body and facial hair has been a constant challenge for the human species since the dawn of human culture in the Neolithic era. Of note this was the...

The use of electrolysis in acne treatment – sebaceous gland ablation

Sebaceous gland ablation (SGA) offers a long-term solution to persistent acne. This is an exciting new treatment which is bringing hope to acne sufferers everywhere. What is acne? Acne is an unsightly skin condition which causes thickening and inflammation of...

How I Do It - Treatment of lower eyelid bulging: transconjunctival laser approach

Ageing related weakening of the inferior orbital septum and increase of orbital fat volume is considered to result in lower lid prominence. Attenuation of the septum allows the gradual herniation of one or more of the three intraorbital fat pads....

How I Do It - Reduction ­thyroplasty

Introduction Male to female transgender patients often undergo reduction thyroplasty – a procedure to reduce the external appearance of the thyroid cartilage of the larynx, and feminisation of the voice. Reduction thyroplasty, often erroneously called ‘tracheal shave’, is one of...

OPINION - Influencers affect us all: but are they as good as we think?

Recently I was approached by the son of a 75-year-old lady for a second opinion on a large fungating malignant melanoma on the outer lateral aspect of her left thigh. She had noticed an enlarging 50p size pigmented lesion just...

OAEE UPDATE - Urgent Call for Surgical Supplies in Ukraine

UK professionals have called for aid in sending surgical equipment to Ukraine during Russian invasion.

Maxillo-facial and neck surgery in Iraq and Afghanistan

Over the past 150 years, military personnel wounded in action had a survival rate of approximately 80% [1]. During the current conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan, those servicemen wounded in action have a 90.4% survival rate [2]. During the past...

Impact of medical NGOs and a new collaborative approach: the case of Guinea with Mercy Ships

Mercy Ships (MS) is a global Christian charity that follows the 2000-year-old model of Jesus to bring hope and healing to those suffering from disability, disfigurement, and disease. This article by Professor Diallo and Drs Ugai and Conde, details a...

The truth behind facelift myths

As the number of non-surgical options to treat the ageing face has increased in recent years, so have the number of myths about facelift surgery. This article, from two expert facial plastic surgeons from Stanford Hospital in California, provides the...

Non-surgical neck rejuvenation – how effective can it get?

BY DR. PATCHANON ASAWAWORARIT The aging neck undergoes several complex changes as a part of the aging process. These multifaceted changes include physiological adjustments at skin, fat, muscle, and bone levels. Aging causes thinning of the skin, a decrease in...

Non-surgical lip enhancement: systematic preoperative assessment

Detailed knowledge of the anatomy is important prior to any surgical or non-surgical intervention in this complex area. Dr Samizadeh takes us through her pre-procedure analysis. The most frequent location for faciaaestheticl volumising procedures is reported to be the lips...