You searched for "retinoids"

95 results found

How I Do It - Treating acne and acne scarring in all skin types

I use the Aerolase Neo Elite, which is a 650 microsecond, 1064 NdYag laser, to treat inflammatory acne, post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation, post-inflammatory erythema, and rolling acne scars in skin types I-VI. This laser has revolutionised the way I treat acne in...

Focus on Cosmeceuticals: Definitions, regulations and a review of the market

In the previous section of this special focus, the structure and function of the skin has been reviewed as well as the cutaneous changes induced by UV exposure. This section will define the term cosmeceutical and discuss the current market...

Support groups for hidradenitis suppurativa

Hidradenitis suppurativa (HS) is an inflammatory condition characterised by painful inflamed nodules in the apocrine regions of the body. It follows a chronic relapsing clinical course and is a very difficult condition to treat. It has an estimated prevalence of...

Peeling away the years: bespoke framework technique for using Definisse™ Peel Program from RELIFE in acne

Acne vulgaris is the most common potentially scarring skin condition seen in dermatology and general practice. A recent network metanalysis [1] confirmed the efficacy of oral pharmacological therapies but questioned the consistency of effect of topical agents and peels. Factors...

How I Do It - Approaches to acne treatment: Pulsed-dye laser

Acne vulgaris is the most common skin disease worldwide and inflammatory acne has significant psychological impact with potential for long-term emotional and physical sequelae [1]. Energy based treatments are useful both as adjuncts to traditional therapies and particularly for patients...

Focus on Plasma: Total rejuvenation of the face with plasma device

The use of plasma energy is a new concept in anti-ageing and aesthetic medicine. Since it has been introduced in the aesthetic field, many studies have been conducted to try and understand the effects on collagen synthesis which may explain...

How I Do It - Treating melasma and PIH

Melasma and post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation (PIH) are among the most common skin disorders in society with prevalence of up to 50% in some populations. Melasma is more prevalent among females and also among those with darker skin types III–V on the...

Laser tattoo removal: results and issues

The term tattoo indicates both the technique for pictorial decoration on a person’s body [1], and the decoration produced by such a technique. Studies show that in the United States around 5-6% of the general population, 13% of adolescents, 19-35%...

Bleach peeling for melasma

Identifying and treating melasma is a continued challenge in aesthetic practice and the dermatologist author shares an insightful piece outlining some of the treatment options for topical bleach peel depigmenting approaches. A brief summary of current literature findings are explored...

Glow like a queen

Dr Vincent Wong explains why skin health is particularly important when it comes to treating drag queens and how to help them glow. In an era of gender fluidity, facial masculinisation and feminisation treatments are rising in popularity. As we...

Hydroquinone-induced hyperpigmentation: a case of exogenous ochronosis in a Hispanic patient

Achieving flawless skin as part of the desire to be perceived as ‘beautiful’ is a common sentiment shared by many cultures [1]. Of the many treatment options and products available on the market, the most common chemical agent to achieve...

Adapting to change in clinical practice: a post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation case

This article has been verified for CPD. Click the button below to answer a few short questions and download a form to be included in your CPD folder. Post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation (PIH) secondary to any inflammatory cause or cutaneous injury is...