You searched for "otology"

167 results found

Exosomes: everything you always wanted to know and questions to ask your exosome provider

This article has been verified for CPD. Click the button below to answer a few short questions and download a form to be included in your CPD folder. What are exosomes? Exosomes are just one subset of extracellular vesicles (EVs),...

Oral minoxidil: innovations in hair loss

Causes With a wide range of causes, it’s often the uncertainty of why hair loss has happened which leaves people feeling that there isn’t a route out of the problem. On average we shed between 50-100 hairs a day and...

Acid attacks: part 2

The PMFA Journal Editor Andrew Burd continues with his exploration of the optimum treatment protocol for managing the devastating injuries wrought by acid attacks (see Part 1 here). In part one of this series I outlined the evolution of my...

Maxillo-facial and neck surgery in Iraq and Afghanistan

Over the past 150 years, military personnel wounded in action had a survival rate of approximately 80% [1]. During the current conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan, those servicemen wounded in action have a 90.4% survival rate [2]. During the past...

An update on BIA-ALCL

The author discusses the concerns and new restrictions on breast implants due to cases of breast implant associated-anaplastic large cell lymphoma – should we be worried? Breast implants, first introduced in the 1960s, have continued to evolve, having survived a...

The World Association of Plastic Surgeons of Chinese Descent

With the 4th World Association of Plastic Surgeons of Chinese Descent (WAPSCD) coming up in November I thought I would share my experiences with you. I attended the second world congress in Taiwan for plastic surgeons of chinese descent which...

An Introduction to Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery (Second Edition)

An Introduction to Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery is a book of two parts. This is described in the book as basic patient care and oral surgery. It is a surprisingly comprehensive book considering the volume of material it covers, with...

Vivo Surgical’s KLARO™ provides unparalleled illumination of surgical cavities

Vivo Surgical’s KLARO™ in vivo lighting device is designed to revolutionise surgical illumination and provide a clearer view of surgical cavities. Developed in partnership with SingHealth – Singapore’s largest group of healthcare institutions – and Panasonic Lighting (Europe), this innovative LED light solution...

Management of ruptured breast implants

Breast augmentation is a widely sought-after cosmetic procedure and has empowered individuals seeking aesthetic enhancement or reconstruction following mastectomy for breast cancer. Amid its popularity, the occurrence of implant rupture stands as a critical concern, impacting both physical wellbeing and...

How developments in maxillofacial surgery have contributed to improved quality of life for patients

The patient perspective, functional outcomes and morbidity are key factors that influence ‘quality of life’ [1,2]. There are many examples of how developments in oral and maxillofacial surgery have improved the outcome and ‘quality of life’ for patients with head,...

Tranexamic acid and platelet rich plasma in the treatment of melasma: efficacy and safety

Melasma is a common, acquired, progressive, often symmetrical macular hypermelanosis that is usually localised on the face and more frequently on the forehead, upper lip, central and malar area of the face. It is triggered by a variety of factors,...

Mercy Mission: all aboard with Mercy Ships off the coast of West Africa

Countries along the coast of West Africa are amongst the poorest in the world. Extreme levels of poverty often lead to poor outcomes or fatalities in many medical conditions that would be eminently treatable, with good outcomes in more developed...