You searched for "lip"

369 results found

Is columellar strut necessary in primary rhinoplasty

This article debates the role of a columellar strut graft through the retrospective aesthetic analysis of 100 consecutive primary open approach rhinoplasties performed by the same single surgeon. The author performs all of these procedures without the use of a...

How I Do It - Facial peeling using retinol peel

An established body of literature acknowledges the efficacy and safety profile of retinoids (a family of compounds derived from vitamin A), in treating a variety of textural skin concerns, such as, coarseness, rhytides, pigmentation, enlarged pores, photodamage and inhibition of...

AlloDerm for correction of lower lid retraction

This is a retrospective review of 95 eyes of 54 patients undergoing orbital decompression for Graves’ orbitopathy. All patients had a swinging eyelid approach across the whole of the lower lid. Thirty-six eyes also had insertion of a 0.3mm thick...

Vivo Surgical’s KLARO™ provides unparalleled illumination of surgical cavities

Vivo Surgical’s KLARO™ in vivo lighting device is designed to revolutionise surgical illumination and provide a clearer view of surgical cavities. Developed in partnership with SingHealth – Singapore’s largest group of healthcare institutions – and Panasonic Lighting (Europe), this innovative LED light solution...

Proprioception and ptosis

This is a small prospective study investigating the effect of proprioceptive factors on upper lid height. Eight unilaterally anophthalmic patients with ocular prostheses and normal lid heights had standardised photographic measurements taken of their eyelid and brow positions. Three sets...

Maximising the results of blepharoplasty

The aesthetic anatomy of lower eyelid is detailed leading to discussion of operative technique to achieve the goals of blepharoplasty; for the lower lid these are a youthful lid cheek junction, a positive canthal tilt and no scleral show. The...

Mercy Mission: all aboard with Mercy Ships off the coast of West Africa

Countries along the coast of West Africa are amongst the poorest in the world. Extreme levels of poverty often lead to poor outcomes or fatalities in many medical conditions that would be eminently treatable, with good outcomes in more developed...

Gross Negligence Manslaughter in Healthcare: The medico-legal dilemma (part 6) - Cosmetic surgery in Hong Kong

There is no formally recognised specialty of Cosmetic Surgery (and / or Medicine) in Hong Kong. Unsurprisingly, there are no formal training programs in cosmetic surgery or aesthetic medicine.

Chin augmentation: filler versus prosthesis

Over recent years, aesthetic medicine and aesthetic surgery have become closer and more combined in daily practice. There is also a gradual shift, with aesthetic doctors performing more invasive techniques, whereas plastic surgeons are also, whenever possible, moving to less...

Reconstructive Surgery in Post Colonial Africa

Both plastic and maxillo-facial surgery developed out of armed combat. Initially, general surgeons attached to the military might perform reconstructive attempts, but more realistically and pragmatically, destructive surgery was more suited to their situation. Amputation of limbs undoubtedly saved lives...

In conversation with Derek Mendonca

Can you tell us a bit about your background and what made you decide on a career as a paediatric plastic surgeon? I was born and raised in Bahrain, in the Middle East. My parents, both from Managlore in India,...

Stratifying preoperative risk in revision augmentation: the six Cs

Breast augmentation is the most frequently performed cosmetic surgical procedure in the UK [1], and with an increasing number of providers, plastic surgeons are managing revisions without information pertaining to the original procedure. Anticipating the features of successive generations of...