You searched for "dermatologic"

254 results found

Professor Firas Al-Niaimi, hosted a 2-day advanced clinical training course

Professor Firas Al-Niaimi, an esteemed figure in laser and clinical dermatology, hosted an intensive two-day advanced clinical training in the captivating city of Riga, Latvia.

IMCAS Asia 2024

Returning To Revolutionise Treatment IMCAS Asia is excited to return to the animated city of Bangkok in June of 2024! This edition promises another transformative event that brings together the brightest minds in dermatology, plastic surgery, and ageing science from...


Although the lesion known as Xanthelasma was first described by Addison and Gall in 1851 [1] it was recorded some 300 years previously in the famous painting of the Mona Lisa by Leonardo da Vinci. In this painting, Leonardo da...

Encouraging results on treating thinning hair with PRP

Over the last few years platelet rich plasma (PRP) has made a big splash in the aesthetics world causing much excitement. It has been used for skin rejuvenation, softening lines and wrinkles, as part of an anti-ageing process. With the...

Hand rejuvenation with injectable fillers

The author, an internationally recognised aesthetic dermatologist and Faculty Member for this year’s 5CC meeting in Barcelona, provides an expert guide to the use of injectable fillers in hand rejuvenation. Ageing of the hands can result in discrepancy between a...

Overview of non-invasive treatments for submental fat reduction

Submental fat (SMF) is a growing aesthetic problem that is colloquially known as a ‘double chin’. It is a concern for both younger and older male and female patients. The 2017 American Society for Dermatologic Surgery Consumer Survey on Cosmetic...

PRP and Microneedling in Aesthetic Medicine

Platelet rich plasma (PRP) makes sense scientifically. Platelets are a bit like biological robots. They do not have a cell nucleus, but they do have a program which directs them to surveil blood vessel walls and, in particular, to respond...

NEW from Obagi Medical: Daily Hydro-Drops™

NEW from Obagi Medical: Daily Hydro-Drops™ Obagi Medical have expanded their hydration offering with the launch of NEW Obagi Daily Hydro-Drops™, a daily serum rich in antioxidants and revolutionary Isoplentix™ technology.

BioScience Symposium at AMWC 2023

BioScience, German pioneer in the industry, is thrilled to announce its participation at the upcoming 21st edition of the Aesthetic & Anti-aging Medicine World Congress, AMWC, 2023.

PMFA News team members in the running for prestigious awards

The finalists for the Aesthetic Awards 2014 have been announced and PMFA News is particularly pleased that Mr Dalvi Humzah (Aesthetics Sub-Editor) and Dr Sam Robson (Specialist Advisor) have been nominated. Mr Dalvi Humzah has been named as one of...

Lower facial rejuvenation

The author outlines the anatomical changes of the lower face in meticulous detail, supported by current literature, and accurately describes the senescent skeletal and deep fat compartment changes of the mid face and how these can impact on the presentation...

Older people and skin challenging perceptions of the ageing process

This is an interesting account of the dermatological senescent changes with a strong focus on the pivotal role nurses can provide in promoting good skin health practices. A comprehensive description of underlying physiological changes and the physical manifestations is presented...