You searched for "deformity"

312 results found

An open letter to young plastic surgeons (from an old UK plastic surgeon)

You are in a specialty that is second to none – you can use your skills to improve the quality of life of your patients, whether they have cancer, congenital abnormalities or damage caused by trauma. Most (90%) plastic surgery...

Perceptions and Deceptions: a personal blog by the editor 7 December 2016

Zoey had two sisters, Leung Lee Michelle and Leung Mei. On 11 June, 2010 one of them made a formal statement to the police. She had questions that needed to be answered. She presented her queries in the form of...

Investigation into unlicensed botulinum toxin: comment from the editor

The recent Times investigation and subsequent reported investigation by the MHRA on the use of unlicensed botulinum toxin in the UK is something that is sorely needed in a sector that is unregulated.

Lymphoedema surgical treatment: myths and facts

Lymphoedema is a common condition that has a major impact on quality of life. Surgical treatment can help affected patients and produce good results, but there is no consensus on which surgical procedure is the most effective. The authors review...

HA dermal filler with lidocaine: initial clinical outcomes

Hyaluronic acid (HA) is a natural occurring body polysaccharide essential for various body functions, present in connective tissues, skin, vitreous humour of eye, extracellular matrix, synovial fluid, etc [1]. It was first isolated in bovine vitreous by Mayer and Palmer...

Retrobulbar hyaluronidase

Blindness following filler injections is a devastating complication for the patient and the practitioner.

Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery: Clinical Reference Guide

Plastic surgery and otolarynology are an example of two surgical specialties which intersect, allowing for clinical and research collaboration. Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery: Clinical Reference Guide gives reference to a number of different principles which have been combined in...

Exploring skin anatomy, function and site-specific treatment options

A detailed paper exploring salient concepts of skin anatomy pertinent to aesthetic practitioners, performing non-surgical treatments. Components of the epidermis and dermis are comprehensively described, with emphasis placed on clinicians developing an in depth understanding of how the ageing process...

Assessing acne vulgaris

The author reviews the evidence surrounding acne development, prevalence and assessment, discussing the importance of capturing a detailed patient history, with reference to aspects of the author’s own assessment tool. The crucial role of the pilosebaceous unit in relation to...

Righting the paralysed lip

Many surgical procedures that otolaryngologists perform put the facial nerve at risk of injury, a complication that the surgeon and patient fear alike. Unfortunately, injuries to the nerve can and do happen despite adequate precautions, and facial paralysis may be...

Facial sensory rehabilitation

The authors of this paper show the results of their method for facial sensory rehabilitation using cross-face sural nerve grafts in three patients. All three patients had hemifacial anaesthesia after trauma or intracranial tumour resections and their symptoms varied from...

A retrospective comparison between standard septoplasty and extracorporeal septoplasty

This paper shows the results of a retrospective study made on 169 patients with nasal obstruction due to a deviated nasal septum who were operated using a standard septoplasty technique or performing an extracorporeal septoplasty. Postoperative nasal patency, aesthetic outcome,...