You searched for "ageing"

723 results found

The medial gastrocnemius flap

This classic muscle flap is now being used with increasing frequency following revision knee joint surgery. Following the Nahai and Mathes classification, the gastrocnemius muscle is a Type I muscle with a single dominant vascular pedicle (Figure 1). The gastrocnemius...

In conversation with Ali Pirayesh

Dr Ali Pirayesh. We were delighted to catch up with Dr Ali Pirayesh, esteemed plastic surgeon based in Amsterdam, about this career highlights and his involvement in AMWC Monaco. Can you tell us a little bit about what led you...

How I Do It - Approaches to lip augmentation: surgical lip lift

A surgical lip lift is particularly effective in lips that require both an increase in vertical height and eversion. Upper lip lifts have been described since the 1980s [1,2] but the most commonly used form was described by Oscar Ramirez...

Do You Know Your Advertising Standards?

Over the last couple of years we have seen many organisations, including the British Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons (BAAPS) seek to ban or at least rein in some of the advertising practices which go on in this industry [1]....

Proprioception and ptosis

This is a small prospective study investigating the effect of proprioceptive factors on upper lid height. Eight unilaterally anophthalmic patients with ocular prostheses and normal lid heights had standardised photographic measurements taken of their eyelid and brow positions. Three sets...

Recent developments in hyaluronic acid research

Hyaluronic acid has a role in many medical specialties, not just aesthetics. Anna Baker takes us through the latest evidence and therapeutic indications. The evidence and demand for hyaluronic acid (HA) based technologies continues to expand and evolve across a...

The Evolution of Wood MediSpa

As surgeons we must have all dreamt of owning our own facility. The perfect dream of a stand-alone private hospital with the entire patient journey seamlessly mapped out. It would offer unparalleled continuity of care – the same team doing...

Preferred upper / lower lip ratio and perception of naturally looking lips, a study across generations and genders

Introduction ‘Beauty is in the eye of the beholder’. Although it sounds true, most often some beauty patterns or preferences can be innate or intuitive [1]. When it comes to the ideal lips, how much of their features can be...

Business recovery and relaunch: how to grow your patient base in the new economy

As the unprecedented impact of the COVID-19 pandemic continues to be felt, many aesthetic practitioners are facing an uncertain future. In this invaluable article Pam Underdown provides expert advice on how to survive and grow stronger than ever. The global...

In conversation with Dr Hema Sundaram

We were delighted to chat to world-renowned Dr Hema Sundaram about her fascinating career in dermatology and how plans for SEASON 2020 are going. You are internationally recognised in the fields of dermatology and plastic surgery – can you tell...

Lip augmentation

In the second of our two-part special focus (see here for Part 1) on lips we are delighted to present this comprehensive clinical guide for practitioners undertaking lip augmentation. Lips and eyes enhance facial beauty. Highlighting these has been dated...

Smile Train Spread Smiles in Edinburgh

Smile Train, the world’s largest cleft charity, set up a billboard in the heart of Edinburgh to raise awareness about cleft as part of Cleft Awareness Month.