You searched for "Pigmentary"

160 results found

A review of plasma medicine

The author investigates the efficacy and tolerability of plasma treatments and asks what the future might hold in this field. Plasma medicine, a new and revolutionary technology to aesthetics, utilises the physical process of sublimation for therapeutic purposes. Non-surgical clinical...

The Art of Aesthetic Surgery, Principles and Techniques, Third Edition

General review Immediately you sense a class act as the transparent cellophane membrane surrounding the book, beautifully adorned by the ‘Three Graces’ painting, is removed and the non-slip textured feel of the hard cover is exposed. This surface prevents the...

Glow like a queen

Dr Vincent Wong explains why skin health is particularly important when it comes to treating drag queens and how to help them glow. In an era of gender fluidity, facial masculinisation and feminisation treatments are rising in popularity. As we...

How I Do It - Facial peeling using retinol peel

An established body of literature acknowledges the efficacy and safety profile of retinoids (a family of compounds derived from vitamin A), in treating a variety of textural skin concerns, such as, coarseness, rhytides, pigmentation, enlarged pores, photodamage and inhibition of...

Peeling away the years: bespoke framework technique for using Definisse™ Peel Program from RELIFE in acne

Acne vulgaris is the most common potentially scarring skin condition seen in dermatology and general practice. A recent network metanalysis [1] confirmed the efficacy of oral pharmacological therapies but questioned the consistency of effect of topical agents and peels. Factors...

A guide to hair transplantation

A leading hair transplant surgeon provides an overview of the most effective surgical treatments for hair restoration – and how the industry will develop over the next decade. Modern hair transplant techniques were first developed in Japan in the 1930s...

Focus: Opinions on regulation

Dalvi Humzah Regulation in the aesthetics industry In this issue we have invited commentaries on regulation within aesthetics, in particular the voluntary register set up by the Joint Council for Cosmetic Practitioners (JCCP). Many medical practitioners are concerned regarding the...

The importance of nitric oxide in medicine

The harmful effects exerted upon living and injured tissues by free radicals have been explored since the 1980s. Now in 2021 the free radical nitric oxide (NO) is not just a figment of imagination; it is known as one of...

Old age and postoperative complications of head and neck free flaps

This review examined the relationship between free flap survival in older patients and whether this correlated with specific co-morbid conditions and a ‘cut off’ age.The authors did exclude some papers that specifically focused on one co-morbid condition, such as diabetes,...

Risks of tracheostomy in head and neck cancer

Tracheostomy is an accepted surgical procedure that is one of the oldest ways of securing the airway. It is widely accepted to protect the airway after big cases of head and neck cancer and especially following free flap reconstruction. It...

The Challenge of Renaissance, not Reconstruction: the aftermath of an acid attack

What madness makes a human being perpetrate a crime that is so horrible, so evil that makes it a capital offense (in Bangladesh) even though the death involved is of a person who remains alive? The motivation behind an interpersonal...

Continuing personal development

“It is an interesting biological fact that all of us have, in our veins the exact same percentage of salt in our blood that exists in the ocean, and, therefore, we have salt in our blood, in our sweat, in...