You searched for "oral"

240 results found

Lymph node ratio – another predictor of outcomes in tongue SCC

Oral squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) is an increasing disease with over 263,000 diagnosed new cases and 128,000 deaths annually worldwide. Although there have been significant advances in diagnostics, surgery and anaesthetics there has been no increase in the survival rates...

Which patients are more likely to have postoperative pulmonary complications after major head and neck?

Postoperative pulmonary complications (PPC) following major head and neck surgery are frequently encountered. Indeed, surgery in the head and neck area itself has been identified as a risk factor for these complications. Microvascular reconstruction is a widely accepted and proven...

Is it time for cone-beam CTs to replace the traditional orthopantomogram in the primary diagnosis of temporomandibular joint disorders?

Cone-beam computed tomographic (CT) requires a lower dose of radiation compared to the multidetector CT and provides much more detailed information in 3D about the bony structures of the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) when compared to the traditional OPG. In this...

Management of masseter hypertrophy and bruxism with Botulinum Toxin A

This article has been verified for CPD. Click the button below to answer a few short questions and download a form to be included in your CPD folder. The squaring of the lower third of the face can be an...

Temporomandibular disorders – a surgeon’s view

The temporomandibular joint is unique, in that it has a fibrocartilaginous intra-articular disc and has a ginglyomo-arthrodial action. The disc is designed to allow for the gliding movement down the posterior slope of the articular eminence with little, if any,...

The place of BoNT in TMD: review article and case report

This article has been verified for CPD. Click the button below to answer a few short questions and download a form to be included in your CPD folder. Over the last decade, there has been a great deal of interest...

Dermatological Cryosurgery and Cryotherapy

This is a comprehensive dermatological cryotherapy reference book that is a useful asset to your library. With 14 sections and 143 chapters this book is a definitive guide to the use of cryotherapy in dermatology. Starting with the history of...

Use of spacers for mandibular defects after resection of mandible preceding definitive osseous reconstruction

The authors propose the use of rigid polyethylene and silicon spacers in mandibular defects as an interim measure before definitive osseous reconstruction after mandibular resections for locally aggressive benign disease. The authors point out that the current intermediate reconstruction systems...

The role of the maxillo-facial surgeon in the management of skull base malignancy

Whilst ablative surgery remains the principal treatment option for head and neck malignancy, the skull base is the last frontier. The complex anatomy, supreme functionality of the brain, and varied pathology provokes many a detailed discussion in the multidisciplinary team...

Prednisolone and/or acyclovir for Bell’s palsy

Facial nerve paralysis as a consequence of Bell’s palsy can result in devastating long‑term effects on a patient’s appearance. What is the best medical treatment for this condition? Stuart Burrows provides his appraisal of this landmark paper from the New...

Reconstructive Facial Plastic Surgery: A Problem-Solving Manual (Second edition)

There are many other books that describe the principles and techniques for head and neck reconstruction but few are so comprehensive and yet concise enough to be easy to read from cover to cover or simply browse for ideas. This...

Clinical histopathology of 250 parotidectomy patients

This is a retrospective study of 250 consecutive parotidectomy patients at units in Belgium and the Netherlands. The sensitivity and specificity of FNAC was 64% and 99% respectively. The sensitivity being slightly lower than the often quoted 80%. MRI and...