You searched for "facial palsy"

9 results found

Facial nerve palsy and Facial Palsy UK

The term facial palsy is most commonly used to describe a paralytic lower motor neurone (LMN) dysfunction of the facial nerve. Upper motor neurone facial palsy, for example due to strokes and intra-cranial tumours, spares the forehead muscles and will...

Modified temporalis muscle transfer for facial palsy

Use of the temporalis muscle to mitigate the deformities of facial palsy is an accepted technique, but getting the temporalis muscle into the correct position, with the correct tension, is difficult but essential if the operation is to be successful....

Treatment of established facial palsy with botulinum toxin followed by half mirror exercises

Seventeen patients with unilateral facial palsy for more than a year were treated with botulinum toxin injections to relieve symptoms of facial synkinesis or hyperkinetic movements. Three injections were given at six to eight month intervals, followed by daily half...

How I Do It - Surgical approach to facial palsy – lengthening the temporalis myoplasty

In cases of long-established facial palsy, one of the main problems faced by patients is the inability to smile. In this situation, consideration should be given to facial reanimation (smile) surgery. In most cases of chronic facial palsy new muscles...

Facial palsy: What do patients and healthcare care about?

The article describes the process for establishing a collaborative research agenda to address gaps in understanding of the diagnosis, treatment management of facial palsy. A Delphi technique was used in order to establish a facial palsy research agenda. In round...

How I Do It - Non-surgical approach to facial palsy – a preliminary case report

In October 2013, a female patient presented for an initial consultation. She had a past medical history of left lower seventh (facial) nerve palsy following excision of left benign parotid adenoma in 2002. This had been treated over the years,...

Platysma muscle use for oral sphincter substitution or countering excessive pull of a free muscle, following facial palsy

The use of the platysma muscle as a pedicled ‘apron’ flap in order to minimise the overactivity of a free muscle transfer, used in the treatment of facial palsy, is described in admirable detail. The successful results are carefully assessed...

NHS must accept its responsibility for facial palsy patients

Patients with facial palsy report huge social and psychological impacts of living with the condition which is poorly understood by many health professionals. This is compounded by the struggle to get an appropriate specialist referral when recovery from facial palsy...