You searched for "dorsal"

449 results found

How I Do It - Dorsal hand rejuvenation with dermal fillers: anatomical knowledge is essential

A youthful dorsal hand is characterised by a supple, smooth skin texture and contour, with minimal prominence of the dorsal veins. Over time, extrinsic (e.g. sun damage and smoking) and intrinsic (bone remodelling and soft tissue volume changes owing to...

Long-term outcome of the Turkish delight graft

The author of this study shows the long-term results of the Surgicel-wrapped diced cartilage, better known by rhinoplasty surgeons as the Turkish delight (TD) graft. The graft, originally described by the author of the article, was meant to be used...

Hand rejuvenation with injectable fillers

The author, an internationally recognised aesthetic dermatologist and Faculty Member for this year’s 5CC meeting in Barcelona, provides an expert guide to the use of injectable fillers in hand rejuvenation. Ageing of the hands can result in discrepancy between a...

Preservation rhinoplasty

Hump reduction and osteotomies to close the open roof, or lowering the whole nasal dorsum? Charles East explains how preservation techniques can improve outcomes by maintaining the integral structures of the nose. What is preservation rhinoplasty? The origins of reduction...

Diced conchal cartilage with perichondrial attachment graft in rhinoplasty

This article shows the experience of a single surgeon with the use of diced conchal cartilage with perichondrial attachment in 37 consecutive patients. The graft was used to camouflage asymmetries on the lateral wall of the nose, for tip contouring...

Crushed cartilage and fibrin sealant graft for radix augmentation

This paper shows a new technique for radix augmentation on Asian patients using crushed cartilage layers stacked on the nasal dorsum and stabilised with fibrin sealant. The study was made on 51 patients operated by the same surgeon in two...

Long-term complication after nasal dorsum augmentation

This is a case report describing a 54-year-old man who had had a rhinoplasty 10 years earlier and was unaware that he had had a porous polyethylene dorsal nasal implant inserted. He presented with a small pustule in the lower...

Handy Solutions

Very few people, if any, enjoy the ravages associated with the ageing process. Apoptosis (programmed cell death) occurs throughout life, but for some unknown reason (possibly associated with epigenetics) cellular replacement and therefore matrix volume decreases. The result is that...

How I Do It - Aesthetic reconstruction of the nasal radix-rhinion complex

The radix-rhinion complex forms one of the most important pillars of nasal aesthetics. Due to its complex anatomical nature and distance from the point of access, this region can be commonly involved in suboptimal results. Tailor-made operative planning Most of...

Diced cartilage grafts in rhinoplasty

This article reviews the author’s current techniques and applications of diced cartilage grafts (DCG) in rhinoplasty surgery. Dr Daniel is a renowned rhinoplasty surgeon and he describes the technique that he has been using for more than 30 years. In...

Closed rhinoplasty Serdev techniques

Why is rhinoplasty so important? Facial beauty and harmony are dependent on correct aesthetic angles, volumes and proportions. The complex face is properly divided into three equal parts: forehead, nose, and lower part (where the upper lip forms a ratio...

Making the most of the temporalis fascia graft in open rhinoplasty: an innovative technique with outcomes of 2000 cases over a 15-year period

The authors present a technique that increases the surface area of a temporalis fascia graft when used to provide smooth, dorsal coverage in cases of open tip rhinoplasty. Numerous graft materials have been developed for use in rhinoplasty procedures in...