You searched for "SIME"

1015 results found

Body contouring surgery following massive weight loss

There are many different perceptions about what defines the term ‘overweight’. The reality is however that, for many, being overweight is a condition that brings with it significant health and social problems. It is estimated that almost two thirds of...

Stuart Rose launches MiViVa Ltd, helping aesthetic practitioners create winning Cultures & Strategies

Today sees the launch of a specialised consulting service targeted at the private aesthetics sector. Founded by Stuart Rose, previously Managing Director of Merz Ltd, MiViVa offers trusted and expert advice to aesthetics businesses which excel at aesthetics, but feel, (maybe even know), they could do better at business.

Medico-legal Forum (Botulinum toxin)

The PMFA Journal and Hamilton Fraser Cosmetic Insurance have teamed up to provide a series of articles that will give examples of claims that occur from different procedures. The case in question In 2014 a patient underwent treatment using abobotulinumtoxinA...


Liposuction continues to be the number one cosmetic surgical procedure performed world wide. This is a great tribute to Prof Yves-Gerard Illouz, who pioneered the use of suction assisted lipolysis, using blunt cannulae after tissue infiltration. The basic principles are...

Post-treatment advice following botulinum toxin injections

The author gives a detailed review of the advice that is routinely offered to patients following treatment with botulinum toxin, as well as the available evidence to substantiate current recommendations. There is a detailed description of the mechanism of action...

Cutting it fine online: social media and reputation management on the web

Social media is an amazing tool which, in its finest form, can be utilised to heighten your profile, increase brand awareness, promote your services, and fruitfully interact with colleagues, patients and the public. It is important, however, to remember that...

Laser tattoo removal: results and issues

The term tattoo indicates both the technique for pictorial decoration on a person’s body [1], and the decoration produced by such a technique. Studies show that in the United States around 5-6% of the general population, 13% of adolescents, 19-35%...

Durjoy – the Hong Kong story

I am appending this account to the previous article in order to illustrate how complex the reconstruction can be after an acid assault. Durjoy had acid poured into his mouth by his paternal aunt. It was a matter of inheritance....

Gross Negligence Manslaughter in Healthcare: The medico-legal dilemma (part 10) – Informed consent (ii)

In the context of medicine, we typically speak of informed consent as having both an ethical and a legal basis. The ethics are related to patient autonomy and human rights. The legal perspective relates to the definition of what occurs if consent is not obtained, and a physical intervention occurs (assault or battery at a minimum and it would appear, gross negligence if things go wrong).

‘Split’ earlobe repair

Surgical repair of the earlobe is an increasingly sought-after procedure for patients of all ages. The most common reason for those wanting definitive surgical repair of their earlobe deformity is due to a ‘split’ or elongated earlobe piercing. The resultant...

Gross Negligence Manslaughter in Healthcare: The medico-legal dilemma (part 14) – Records of necessary information: Drugs Administered and the physiological response of the patient

It is the system that places the Judge as an interpreter of “truths” and sadly, susceptible to false information.

‘Rhinofiller’: non-surgical correction of the nose

Dr Agolli from Italy advocates the use of filler to quickly and easily achieve a non-surgical rhinoplasty without downtime for the patient. Cultural basis It is believed that Dante Alighieri was not a handsome man, probably because of his appearance,...