The truth behind facelift myths

As the number of non-surgical options to treat the ageing face has increased in recent years, so have the number of myths about facelift surgery. This article, from two expert facial plastic surgeons from Stanford Hospital in California, provides the...

The gender affirmation surgery MDT

The authors provide a comprehensive and thought-provoking discussion of the multidisciplinary nature of caring for someone undergoing gender reassignment surgery. In the last 50 years in the UK an estimated 130,000 people have changed their gender assigned at birth (assigned...

What’s new on the horizon for toxins coming to the market?

With the ever increasing demand for injectable treatments, it is important to keep abreast of new developments in the field. International expert Michael Gold reviews the new toxins due to be hitting the market in the next year. We are...

A review of plasma medicine

The author investigates the efficacy and tolerability of plasma treatments and asks what the future might hold in this field. Plasma medicine, a new and revolutionary technology to aesthetics, utilises the physical process of sublimation for therapeutic purposes. Non-surgical clinical...