This book is a result of a professional life devoted to achieving the muscular, athletic or attractive forms that are currently in demand. There are over 250 pages of high quality text, photographs and illustrations. It is conveniently divided into...
This paper shows the results of a retrospective study made on 169 patients with nasal obstruction due to a deviated nasal septum who were operated using a standard septoplasty technique or performing an extracorporeal septoplasty. Postoperative nasal patency, aesthetic outcome,...
The transfer of functional muscle tendon units offers the potential for restoration of some facial tone, symmetry and motion after a single-stage procedure in reanimating the paralysed face. Apart from selecting the right donor muscle of adequate strength and excursion,...
This manuscript describes two different ways to stabilise the keystone area during extracorporeal septoplasty. The authors performed a retrospective study on 110 patients who were operated for extracorporeal septoplasty by multiple surgeons. The patients were divided into two groups; in...
The authors of Minimally Invasive and Office-Based Procedures in Facial Plastic Surgery share their expertise of the fast-evolving field of minimally invasive procedures in aesthetic facial rejuvenation in this informative textbook. The content of Minimally Invasive and Office-Based Procedures in...
Rhinoplasty refers to a procedure in plastic surgery in which the structure of the nose is changed by adding or removing bone or cartilage, grafting tissue from another part of the body, or implanting synthetic material to alter the shape...
The authors present the findings of a retrospective study included 63 patients had rhino-septoplasty using autologous costal cartilage (ACC) and 20 had rhino-septoplasty using irradiated homologous costal cartilage (IHCC) to compare the clinical results of major augmentation rhinoplasty using ACC...
Non-surgical facial rejuvenation has increased exponentially in the last 20–30 years in a society which demands immediate results with minimal downtime. The overall UK market is estimated at £3.6 billion annually. The use of facial injectables increased by 7000% between...
The rising costs of running the National Health Service and its overburdened resources has led to the constant monitoring of the low clinical value treatments. The operations of rhinoplasty and septorhinoplasty inevitably fall into this group and are subject to...
From liposuction to adipose stem cells; from regenerative medicine to tissue engineering; and a vision of the future. Part 1 The history of attempts to sculpture fat dates back to the beginning of the 20th century, but Professor Yves-Gerard Illouz...
The manufacturer’s viewpoint: Myths, failures and the regulation of the modern breast implant. The modern day silicone breast implant industry was created with the Dow Corning prosthesis, first used in the USA in 1962. Since its introduction into the market...
Arthroplasty in temporomandibular joint (TMJ) ankylosis is managed by three basic techniques; gap arthroplasty, interpositional arthroplasty and joint reconstruction. In this three-year, prospective study of 15 patients, the authors evaluate whether or not aggressive gap arthroplasty is essential in the...