Aesthetic and Reconstructive Breast Surgery: solving complications and avoiding unfavourable results

At just over 200 pages this American textbook features chapters covering aspects of aesthetic breast surgery including developmental asymmetry, mastopexy, gynaecomastia and breast reduction although a chapter on breast augmentation is conspicuous by its absence.The bulk of the text is...

50 Studies Every Plastic Surgeon Should Know

How do you decide the 50 most influential papers in plastic surgery? The breadth of subspecialties within plastic surgery makes this herculean task even harder. This book has attempted to collate each paper which has shaped and guided the practice...

Essentials of Plastic Surgery, Second Edition

One of a few ‘concise’ plastic surgery texts, this recently revised second edition includes over 1300 pages of well written, illustrated and referenced text in 102 core chapters including 13 new chapters covering such topics as perforator flaps, facial and...