Aesthetic Nursing Section Editor – The PMFA Journal

Independent nurse prescriber Anna Baker provides a nurse-led cosmetic non-surgical and dermatology clinic based at The Nuffield Health Hospital in Cheltenham. With a special interest in dermatology, she is qualified to provide photodynamic therapy to treat non-melanoma skin lesions. Anna is a member of The British Dermatological Nursing Association, The Royal College of Nursing and The Association of Nurse Prescribers. Anna has a keen interest in anatomy and is pursing post-graduate studies at Keele University specializing in facial anatomy. She coordinates an accredited independent bespoke facial anatomy teaching course especially for medical professionals providing non-surgical rejuvenation.

JOURNAL REVIEWED: Journal of Aesthetic Nursing – Dec 2014 (ongoing)

Latest Contribution

Emirati aesthetics

The author presents an account of the role of aesthetic nurses in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). The current article is part of a series examining aesthetic nursing practices and cultural perceptions of beauty across the globe. An interesting report...

Older people and skin challenging perceptions of the ageing process

This is an interesting account of the dermatological senescent changes with a strong focus on the pivotal role nurses can provide in promoting good skin health practices. A comprehensive description of underlying physiological changes and the physical manifestations is presented...

Treatments for hyperpigmentation

Hyperpigmentation is a challenging, multifactorial and complex skin disorder affecting many individuals. The techniques and products described are based upon the author’s own clinical experience in treating hyperpigmentation and emphasises the importance of seeking specialist advice during a face to...