Perceptions and Deceptions a personal blog by the editor 4 May 2016

So in the space of just a few days the Junior Doctors in the UK have engaged in the first all-out strike in the NHS since 1975. I was a medical student then and the issue was pay and conditions....

Comment in response to Perceptions and Deceptions a personal blog by the editor 15 Apr 2016

We have what is called a third table list....small cases under local or regional anesthesia...there was an 8 yr old girl with a diffuse, non pinchable swelling in the chin area. After confirming it was not vascular, we decided for...

Perceptions and Deceptions a personal blog by the editor 22 Apr 2016

The junior doctors in the UK are facing the reality that if they hold steady there is the very real prospect that ‘an elite group of professional people’ can topple a corrupt and dishonest Government and restore the balance of...

Perceptions and Deceptions a personal blog by the editor 15 Apr 2016

This is a personal blog. The theme is ‘perceptions and deceptions’ related to professional practice. There is a lifetime of blogging in this theme, but let me move on. Consider that fabulous bit of TV drama where HBO were setting...

Perceptions and Deceptions a personal blog by the editor 8 Apr 2016

I want to post a question on the FB Group supporting the Junior Doctors over their David and Goliath fight with a juggernaut of blind, self-deceiving or just ignorant, elected members of Parliament. I should say that I am not...

Perceptions and deceptions A personal blog by the editor 30 Mar 2016

The PMFA News website is the perfect place to share your views. We are objective. And we are free. I recently resigned from my post as Centenary Professor in the Department of Regenerative Medicine and Translational Science. I was an...


As plastic surgery becomes increasingly sub specialised, academic meetings covering specific niches multiply like the proverbial lapine model. Whilst such meetings satisfy the educational requirements of the supraspecialist within us all they arguably detract from our alter ego the generalist....

FACE 2015

This was undoubtedly the biggest and most prestigious UK conference of the year. The international mix of both delegates and presenters brought together knowledge, skill and allowed us to experience a jam-packed agenda covering all aspects of aesthetic medicine. The...

IMCAS China 2015

The IMCAS brand is now well established as a global leader in bringing together a multi-disciplinary, multi-professional approach to the world of ‘aesthetic surgery and cosmetic dermatology’. The first meeting was held in Paris in 1994 and was promoted as...

Aesthetics update June 2015

Aesthetics continues to be a dynamic field and as the Aesthetics Sub-editor I have had the privilege of being involved in many aspects of the specialty. Mid May saw the Annual Face Eyes Nose Conference in Coventry – both the...

Aesthetics Awards 2014

This year’s much awaited event was held at Park Plaza Westminster Bridge Hotel at the start of December. A total of 21 winners were selected from 145 finalists and presented with their awards in front of an audience of 500...

Consultation on cosmetic interventions

On 9 December 2014 the Health Education England (HEE) held a stakeholder consultation to discuss the qualification requirements, information on how different groups of practitioners will be able to meet these requirements, options for accreditation and recognition of qualifications and...