You searched for "burns"

235 results found

The Essential Burn Unit Handbook (Second Edition)

For some time, trainees have been searching for a worthy alternative to the long outdated and out of print Burns: The First Five Days, which used to be supplied free by Smith and Nephew. This pocket sized, reference manual, seems...

Albumin administration for fluid resuscitation in burn patients

The authors propose to investigate the ongoing controversy and debate surrounding the use of albumin in burns resuscitation; specifically they mention that the study is not investigating the use of albumin to correct hypoalbuminaemia. Mention is made of previously conducted...

Thermal injury and false eyelashes

Please Click here for the CPD Feedback form on this article The authors provide a case of cyanoacrylate glue causing a thermal burn on the eyelid and explain how this type of burn should be managed. The use of false...

The effect of skin graft contracture when using artificial dermis

This is a report of a prospective clinical trial performed in a single centre in Seoul, South Korea. The group attempted to observe the change in size of skin grafts applied to an artificial dermal substitute (matriderm). Two groups of...

Acid attacks: part 1

In the first of a two-part series, Andrew Burd takes us through the background to the development of his protocol for the acute management of chemical assault burns (see Part 2 here). I have maintained a long-term interest in how...

Rectal ketamine during paediatric burn wound dressing procedures

Ketamine is well reported as being safe to use in providing analgesia, sedation and amnesia in paediatric populations. This prospective, randomised, double-blinded study aimed to establish an optimum dose of ketamine in burns treatment settings in children aged six months...

Enzymatic debridement of deeply burned faces

This is an interesting study looking at the outcomes following enzymatic debridement of deep facial burns. The authors directly compare enzymatic debridement with NexoBrid® and traditional excisional debridement in deep facial burns. They specifically analyse the debridement efficacy, acute healing...

A review of reconstruction of the burned ear

The exposed location of the ear, combined with its thin skin and subcutaneous tissue makes it prone to full thickness burn injuries. As a result, deformity and disfigurement of the ear is a common sequelae of burns. This is a...

Acid attacks: part 2

The PMFA Journal Editor Andrew Burd continues with his exploration of the optimum treatment protocol for managing the devastating injuries wrought by acid attacks (see Part 1 here). In part one of this series I outlined the evolution of my...

Autologous fat grafting does not improve burn scar appearance

Fat grafting procedure has had a surge in popularity in more recent times. This procedure has been used for many different treatments including management of scars, correction of contour deformities, breast augmentation and facial rejuvenation. However, prospective randomised studies of...

The effect of smoking status on burn inhalation injury mortality

It is well recognised that inhalational injury is a major predictor of mortality in burns patients. However, there have not been any studies looking at the effect smoking (and its effects on the lungs) in these patients. Therefore, this is...

Early hypothermia as risk factor in severely burned patients

This retrospective outcome study looks at patient temperature on admission and if this affected outcome and what variables play a part in the patient’s temperature. Again, this is well written and thought out, but is limited by sample size. They...