You searched for "BoNT"

218 results found

How I Do It - Two-Point Eye Lift™: HA dermal fillers for infraorbital rejuvenation

The key to maintaining a youthful appearance is often found in restoring a well-defined periorbital area, characterised by healthy tissue volume (fullness) in the infraorbital region and a clear eyelid crease devoid of excess skin. The use of hyaluronic acid...

Management of masseter hypertrophy and bruxism with Botulinum Toxin A

This article has been verified for CPD. Click the button below to answer a few short questions and download a form to be included in your CPD folder. The squaring of the lower third of the face can be an...

Early facial fat grafting in Treacher Collins syndrome with malar bone grafts

The authors present their experience in three patients with the effect of early fat grafting at ≥6 months of age with later bone reconstruction of the orbitozygomatic area in patients with Treacher Collins syndrome. Fat grafting was performed two to...

Imaging accurately predicting the need for mandibular resection

This is an article from Australia of 109 patients, 83 of which had CT, 72 MRI and the presence of bone invasion on imaging was compared with the histopathology. Bone invasion was present in 44 of 109 resection specimens. Bone...

Transnasal endoscopic choanal atresia surgery

Surgery is currently the only definitive treatment for congenital choanal atresia (CCA). There are various surgical approaches including transnasal, transeptal or transpalatal. The authors propose that the preferred option is transnasal endoscopic choanal atresia surgery (TECAS) and set out to...

Carnoy’s and the KOT

This is a retrospective review of 105 patients with keratocystic odontogenic tumours treated over a 23-year period with a mean follow-up of 86 months. The recurrence rate was 11.4%. Permanent neuro-sensory deficit of the inferior alveolar nerve was 16%. Younger...

Severe bone resorption in expanded polytetrafluoroethylene chin augmentation

This is a case report describing a 35-year-old woman who had had an expanded polytetrafluoroethylene chin implant inserted 13 years previously through an intraoral incision. She complained of pain in her chin and lower anterior teeth. A cephalogram showed severe...

A simplified method for advancement genioplasty

Lower facial aesthetics can be improved with either bony advancement osteotomy or alloplastic implant augmentation. The choice of these options frequently depends on the experience of the surgeon. In their retrospective study on 126 patients, Chan and Ducic, describe and...

Male aesthetic treatments: a review

There is a growing demand for aesthetic procedures for men. Anna Baker provides an overview of the popular treatments and explains the important differences between male and female facial anatomy that need to be considered before treating these patients.

Atlas of Operative Craniofacial Surgery

This book is an absolute must-have technical guide for aspiring, craniofacial surgical trainees. Comprehensively written with over 1400 intraoperative photos and easy access to a library of videos. This is an essential atlas for your collection. A wide array of...

Wide en bloc resection of lacrimal sac tumours

This is a retrospective review of the management and outcomes of 14 malignant tumours of the lacrimal sac. All patients were operated on jointly by an orbital surgeon and a head and neck surgeon. There is a detailed description of...

Rib grafts for mandibular reconstruction

The mandible provides support for the function of the lips, floor of mouth and tongue, and provision of oral competence and function such as swallowing, chewing and speech. Reconstruction of the mandible following ablation thus requires good bone stock to...