Journal Reviews
Delays in oral cancer
This is a review from Canada where they attempt to relate the delays in oral cancer presentation to treatment and the impact on stage, diagnosis and survival. They recognise that potentially the most significant delay is between the patient first...
Imaging accurately predicting the need for mandibular resection
This is an article from Australia of 109 patients, 83 of which had CT, 72 MRI and the presence of bone invasion on imaging was compared with the histopathology. Bone invasion was present in 44 of 109 resection specimens. Bone...
Risk factors for loco regional recurrence for oral SCC
Over a quarter of a million cases of oral squamous cell carcinomas (SCC) are diagnosed annually worldwide with 128,000 registered deaths. In spite of much-improved anaesthetic and surgical techniques, survival rates have not improved much over the past three decades....
Outcomes of heavily pre-treated oral squamous cell carcinomas
Oral squamous cell carcinoma is one of the more common cancers worldwide. Surgery is the mainstay of treatment and often these patients have had adjuvant therapies. In spite of improving five year survival rates, local recurrent progressive disease is still...
Sentinel node biopsy in oral cancer
Sentinel node biopsy (SLNB) is not new and is well established in the management of early breast cancer and melanoma. New trials such as the European Sentinel Node (SENT) trial and others sought to address the question of the clinical...