Journal Reviews
Body contouring modalities for sculpting the abdomen and flanks
The author discusses the importance of appropriately assessing an individual’s BMI in relation to assessing suitability for non-surgical body contouring, with a detailed and balanced discussion of non-surgical methods of contouring the abdomen and flanks. Some of the more commonly...
SPECT scans not justified in growth of the mandibular condyle
This is a paper from Hong Kong of 200 patients between January 2011 and July 2013 who underwent SPECT bone scintigraphy for assessment of growth causing condylar hyperplasia and subsequent mandibular asymmetry. Thirty-four patients were found to have active growth...
Imaging and histological relationship of orbital schwannomas
This is a retrospective review of 15 patients with orbital schwannomas comparing the radiological characteristics, in particular the signal intensity on MRI with the histological sub-types of the tumours. Five patients had MRI imaging alone, three had CT alone and...
OCT imaging of occluded puncta
This is a description of the use of enhanced depth optical coherence tomography (OCT) to see whether a patent ampulla or canaliculus is detectable in patients with absent or occluded puncta. Nine occluded puncta of six patients with epiphora were...