Imaging and histological relationship of orbital schwannomas

This is a retrospective review of 15 patients with orbital schwannomas comparing the radiological characteristics, in particular the signal intensity on MRI with the histological sub-types of the tumours. Five patients had MRI imaging alone, three had CT alone and...

OCT imaging of occluded puncta

This is a description of the use of enhanced depth optical coherence tomography (OCT) to see whether a patent ampulla or canaliculus is detectable in patients with absent or occluded puncta. Nine occluded puncta of six patients with epiphora were...

Avoiding pre-placed recti sutures in enucleation

This is a retrospective review of 40 patients who underwent enucleation using a non-conventional technique in which the recti muscles were detached from the sclera without pre-placing any sutures to secure the cut muscle ends. The surgery was only performed...

Blindness after orthognathic surgery

This is a case report and review of the literature of this rare, but well recognised alarming complication. The authors discuss the possible mechanisms, suggesting that it does not arise from a direct injury to the optic nerve and is...

Systemic screening in adnexal lymphoma

This is a retrospective review of 119 patients diagnosed with ocular adnexal lymphoma, 85 of whom had primary adnexal disease and 34 had previously been diagnosed with lymphoma outside the ocular adnexa. Sixty-eight of the primary and 24 of the...

Marcus-Gunn jaw winking without ptosis

This is a review of 72 cases of Marcus-Gunn jaw winking syndrome. The authors reviewed all their congenital ptoses seen over a 16-year period and found 72 Marcus-Gunn cases out of a total of 848 patients. Within the 72 they...

Approach to the orbital floor, which is better?

During skeletal surgery sufficient exposure is key, often a direct approach through the overlying tissues is the easiest route. In the face, however, as the scar would be readily visible so approaches are designed to hide this. Surgical access to...

Effects of orbital decompression

This is a retrospective review of 319 orbital decompression operations in 169 patients (73% female) with thyroid eye disease. Three wall decompressions were performed in 92 eyes, 2-wall in 206 (medial and floor), and a single wall (medial) in 18,...

Allergic eyelid dermatitis

This is a retrospective 12 year review of 61 patients diagnosed with periocular allergic dermatitis. The average age was 66 years, with 74% being female. The commonest indications for referral were epiphora, ectropion and blepharitis; and the main symptoms were...

Myopathic ptosis and lower lid retraction surgery

This is a description of a surgical technique which simultaneously addresses both the upper lid ptosis and lower lid retraction in patients with moderate to severe myopathic ptosis. The procedure was performed on 16 eyes of nine patients and involved...

Blepharoplasty and orbital fat repositioning

The authors present their personal technique on lower blepharoplasty with preserving a strong orbicularis oculi sling and maintaining lower eyelid position with periosteal fixation of the lateral canthus and skin- muscle flap. In their technique, after elevation of skin flap,...

Reduction of postoperative bruising and swelling

This is a review of 27 patients undergoing periocular surgery who postoperatively applied hydrogel pads impregnated with Arnica montana and Ledum palustre (Ocumend, Cearna inc., Chicago). The pads were used continuously for the first two postoperative days, changing them every...