You searched for "skin graft"

4 results found

Selection of full thickness skin graft donor site influences extent of contraction

Full thickness skin grafts (FTSG) remain a standard reconstructive option in burns surgery, resulting in lesser secondary contracture and improved cosmesis compared to split skin grafts. Although the recipient site is known to influence contraction, the role of the donor...

The effect of skin graft contracture when using artificial dermis

This is a report of a prospective clinical trial performed in a single centre in Seoul, South Korea. The group attempted to observe the change in size of skin grafts applied to an artificial dermal substitute (matriderm). Two groups of...

A possible role for adipose tissue-derived stem cells in modulation of keloid scarring

Keloid scarring remains a challenging clinical problem due to both resistance to treatment as well as high rates of recurrence. Research into possible treatments is also hindered by keloid scarring being a uniquely human phenomenon. Recent evidence supports a role...

Bone augmentation for dental implant surgery

Crawford Gray, Dental Implant Clinician in Aberdeen, demonstrates how the development of grafting materials and techniques has allowed an improved aesthetic outcome from dental implant surgery. The provision of dental implants has become an accepted part of patient care, encompassing...