You searched for "Nose"

512 results found

Face Eyes Nose: Facial Aesthetic/Oculoplastic Surgery and Rhinoplasty Fresh Cadaver Dissection & Lecture Course

The highly renowned Face Eyes Nose conference returns to Coventry in May 2019 with the usual successful format of lectures and fresh cadaver dissections. Course Chairman, Rana Das-Gupta, with the help of Course Convenors, SK Ahmed and TK Sankar, has...

Face Eyes Nose 2024

Around the Nose: 24th Course on Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery of the Nose and Face

Multidisciplinary international. Faculty of experts. Hands on training. Fresh frozen bodies. 2 participants per body.

58th Nose and Functional Surgery Course

Facial asymmetry in patients with deviated noses

Rhinoplasty of a deviated nose is known to be a challenge of its own kind, especially when patients presenting with a deviated nose are unaware of their underlying facial asymmetry. Patients with a successfully straightened nose, continue to perceive their...

Rediscovering the Lost Art of Endonasal Rhinoplasty

The invention of modern rhinoplasty by Joseph transformed our understanding of nasal anatomy and surgery. His endonasal technique soon spread from Europe to the USA and dominated the surgical culture of the 20th century. The excessive removal nasal support structures...

Sentinel node biopsy in oral cancer

Sentinel node biopsy (SLNB) is not new and is well established in the management of early breast cancer and melanoma. New trials such as the European Sentinel Node (SENT) trial and others sought to address the question of the clinical...

How I Do It - NSR with dermal fillers

Year on year non-surgical rhinoplasty (NSR) has become increasingly popular and after first learning the technique with a needle, I was taught the cannula technique. Currently, I practise both techniques regularly and often use threads on bulky noses. Indications The...

A modification of the crescentic flap for nasal skin reconstruction

Non melanoma skin cancers are the most frequent malignant skin tumours and in over 25% of cases affect the nose. Following excision, the reconstruction can be challenging. The nasal complex has adjacent concave and convex surfaces, minimal laxity and nasal...

Patient-related outcomes in rhinoplasty surgery

This paper centres on defining and providing a patient-related outcome tool in rhinoplasty surgery. There are currently no validated tools specifically for cosmetic alteration of the nose alone. The authors devised specific scales within the FACE-Q framework to specifically assess...