If you are struggling to address the wide variety of ethnic considerations in your multi-ethnic patient population you could consider a world tour of expert centres, although your carbon footprint might not look smart and your Amex may be burdened.

Alternatively, you could troll a video streaming channel and find it difficult to sort the gems from the junk. Personally, having read Dr Cobo’s wonderful book I would recommend it as an eminently efficient way of getting straight to the pearls.

Despite the best efforts of populists everywhere we all enjoy living and working in increasingly multi-ethnic populations. That fact does however bring challenges to surgeons more used to mono ethnic populations. For the intra-abdominal surgeon one doubts that has much baring on practice but for a surgeon seeking to enhance facial aesthetics a nuanced understanding of ethnic differences is vital. Ethnic Considerations in Facial Plastic Surgery is a very well written, thoughtful and insightful single-volume book considering the ethnic aspects of facial plastic surgery. I strongly recommend this well illustrated and carefully crafted book as a reference for plastic surgeons practising in a multi-ethnic environment.

This is a well-structured and balanced book, written by a variety of leading plastic surgeons. It discusses similarities and differences in aesthetic ideals and goals in various ethnic groups. It provides an in-depth understanding of not only ethnic variations in the face and but also the various techniques necessary in achieving aesthetic outcomes.
The contributors come from five different continents across the globe. It covers both surgical and non-surgical interventions in various ethnicities including Latino, African, Asian, Mediterranean and Middle Eastern patients. It also includes a section on difficult topics such as fat grafting for mixed race patients and keloid treatments for individuals of African origin.

Key features include: online access to 20+ videos of facial plastic surgery procedures, 700+ full-colour illustrations which help clarify procedures, comprehensive cover of all regularly performed facial aesthetic procedures performed. In summary, embrace your patients, avoid the pitfall of delivering a mono-ethnic response to all comers. Love this book and love thy neighbour!

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Ken Stewart

NHS Lothian, UK.

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