How I Do It - Practical guidance on avoiding adverse events following soft tissue augmentation – some tips

Complications following soft tissue augmentation range from the mild to the serious, e.g. blindness due to occlusion of the branches of the ophthalmic artery to the eye. Much of the literature reviewed appears to indicate that no treatments were found...

How I Do It - Treating the ageing neck with Ellevate™ plus

The ageing and sagging neck cannot always be successfully corrected using standard facelift techniques, even those that include extensive SMAS lift [1]. Adjuncts to treatment can include liposuction, radiofrequency or similar skin tightening procedures, open or closed platysmaplasty, extensive SMAS...

How I Do It - X neo-umbilicoplasty

Following an abdominoplasty the umbilicus is repositioned and inset into a new position. When healed it should have a natural appearance and in order to get this outcome it is necessary to understand what is ‘normal’. Several different morphological appearances...

How I Do It - Body contouring: a combined, non-invasive protocol

Non-invasive body contouring has become one of the fastest-growing areas of aesthetic medicine today. There are many approaches to reducing body fat tissue and improving skin laxity, such as cryolipolysis, high-intensity focused ultrasound, radiofrequency, and a variety of laser therapies....

How I Do It - 360° body contouring through combined techniques

Today, patients are looking for non-invasive and customised aesthetic procedures with no downtime. They want a global body treatment for a natural and harmonious result. To get the best possible results, treatments have to be combined. It is rare for...

How I Do It - Vaginal rejuvenation - CO2 laser therapy

Women with menopausal symptoms, as well as postnatally, are looking for additional methods as alternatives to traditional hormone replacement therapy (HRT), local oestrogens or topical creams and lubricants, since only 34% comply with their prescribed therapy. Women report an impairment...

How I Do It - Vaginal rejuvenation - Er:YAG laser therapy

I began doing research in 2010 on vaginal laser tissue induction to achieve vaginal tightening and sexual enhancement. I started noticing an improvement of continence in patients who were leaking. I was very excited about the results and more than...

How I Do It - Combination treatment of acne vulgaris

Acne vulgaris is a common, globally recognised, chronic condition. According to the Global Burden of Disease (GBD) study, acne vulgaris affects approximately 85% of young adults aged 12-25 years [1]. Acne vulgaris is a disease affecting the pilosebaceous unit (PSU)...

How I Do It - Postoperative care following aesthetic breast surgery – treatment of capsular contracture with Celluma low level light therapy

Breast augmentation is one of the most popular cosmetic surgical procedures performed in the world. Capsular contracture is a common complication and major contributor to dissatisfaction. It is thought to be due to a chronic inflammatory process in the implant...

How I Do It - Postoperative care following aesthetic breast surgery – augmentation, reduction / mastopexy and augmentation mastopexy

The first aspect of postoperative care is to prevent or pre-empt potential problems; two main concerns are bleeding and infection. Towards the end of the procedure, I always undertake an antiseptic or saline washout before closing and check the blood...

How I Do It - Skin tightening: Profound

Areas of skin laxity are a concern to many patients. A decline in collagen and elastin production arising from chronological or environmental ageing often presents as sagging skin on the face, neck or body, and patients frequently enquire about availability...

How I Do It - Skin tightening: Fotona 4D protocol

Skin tightening, especially on the face, is currently one of the most common aesthetic procedures. There are many approaches to facial skin tightening, many of them executed with various energy-based devices, such as lasers, radiofrequency and ultrasound devices, all of...