Event Details
Date: 20 March 2021

Location name: WEBINAR


RELIFE is a new global Dermatology and Aesthetic Medicine company that finds its roots in the Menarini Group. It offers a programme of education and training for aesthetic doctors with the collaboration of local and international experts in the field of aesthetic medicines, including a new range of products that are scientifically proven and designed for use by healthcare professionals. The release of these products is combined with educational initiatives and local support.

One of the main education and training events hosted in 2021 was i-DASS Dublin (International Dermatology Aesthetic Surgery Summit), it featured a range of national and international experts in their fields on the overall theme, ‘New Concepts in Fillers and Threads: A Three-Dimensional, Combined Approach to Facial Restoration’. The webinar is now available to watch below and the full agenda is broken down to allow you to digest what is most relevant to your own practice. The webinar covers a variety of topics, as well as presentations on a number of medical aesthetic procedures. These will include difficult-to-treat areas like perioral and tear trough, and will feature talks on melasma and hyperpigmentation, among other topics, as well as information on a range of innovative and scientifically-proven products. 


Click on the boxes below to see the videos


i-DASS Introduction and RELIFE Company Profile

Fergus Gallagher (Head of RELIFE Aesthetics Ireland) and Dr Steven Kusmanto (Global RELIFE Marketing Director):



Definisse™ Peel Program

Anatomical insight: Resurface to optimize your treatment: Definisse™ Peel Program synergistical effect. Ms Anna Gunning

Multi-modality approach in inhibiting Melanogenesis: Introducing the concept of REsurface, REtone and REboost. Dr Vincent Wong:


Pre-Recorded Demo: Before & After: Definisse™ Peel Program. Ms Anna Gunning:


Definisse™ Filler

Anatomical insight, tips and tricks: lips and perioral area. Dr Sean Fitzpatrick:


Pre-Recorded Demo: Lips and perioral restoration with Definisse™ touch filler. Dr Sean Fitzpatrick:


Anatomical insight, tips and tricks: midface. Dr Mukesh Lalloo:


Pre-Recorded Demo: Zygomatic-malar restoration with Definisse™ core. Dr Mukesh Lalloo:


Anatomical insight, tips and tricks: Periorbital & Tear trough area. Ms Janice Brady:


Pre-Recorded Demo: Periorbital & tear trough restoration with Definisse™ Restore & Touch filler. Dr Giovanni Salti with voice over from Ms Janice Brady:


Definisse™ Thread

Anatomical insight: How to combine filler and threads for a complete facial redefinition. Mr Colin Riordan:

Pre-Recorded Demo: Combination treatment Definisse™ Threads & Definisse™ Filler. Mr Colin Riordan:


i-DASS Full Recording