How I Do It - Treatment of lower eyelid bulging: transconjunctival laser approach

Ageing related weakening of the inferior orbital septum and increase of orbital fat volume is considered to result in lower lid prominence. Attenuation of the septum allows the gradual herniation of one or more of the three intraorbital fat pads....

How I Do It - Er:YAG treatment for eyebrow tail elevation and upper eyelid rejuvenation

Following patient demand for eyebrow tail elevation inspired by the ‘Foxy eye’ trend, we have developed this protocol using the Fotona VectorLift technique with hyperstacking of Smooth Mode pulses, to produce a non-invasive enhancement of periocular aesthetics for patients who...

How I Do It - Primary rejuvenation upper blepharoplasty – tips from an oculoplastic surgeon

Preoperative For me the preoperative stage is actually the most important part in the patient’s journey and can take much longer than the actual operation itself. It takes me about 45-60 minutes to assess, counsel and consent for a primary...

How I Do It - Two-Point Eye Lift™: HA dermal fillers for infraorbital rejuvenation

The key to maintaining a youthful appearance is often found in restoring a well-defined periorbital area, characterised by healthy tissue volume (fullness) in the infraorbital region and a clear eyelid crease devoid of excess skin. The use of hyaluronic acid...

How I Do It - Surgical tear trough treatment and periorbital procedures

It is very helpful to use the patient’s old photographs as a guide to addressing the bothersome changes that have occurred in order to plan an approach that maintains an individual’s natural appearance. Periorbital rejuvenation should be considered in the...