How I Do It
How I Do It - Postoperative care following aesthetic breast surgery – treatment of capsular contracture with Celluma low level light therapy
Breast augmentation is one of the most popular cosmetic surgical procedures performed in the world. Capsular contracture is a common complication and major contributor to dissatisfaction. It is thought to be due to a chronic inflammatory process in the implant...
How I Do It - Postoperative care following aesthetic breast surgery – augmentation, reduction / mastopexy and augmentation mastopexy
The first aspect of postoperative care is to prevent or pre-empt potential problems; two main concerns are bleeding and infection. Towards the end of the procedure, I always undertake an antiseptic or saline washout before closing and check the blood...
How I Do It - Breast augmentation: choosing the ideal implant size
Fernando Amato discusses the value of using 3D simulated imaging to help patients make the right decision about their implant size. Breast augmentation with implants is one of the most widespread plastic surgeries. However, clinicians still have some difficulties and...
How I Do It - Performing a mastopexy or reduction using Breform™ mesh
Gravity defying breast surgery – the Holy Grail for breast surgeons. Repeat ptosis and pseudoptosis are significant problems facing patients and surgeons after breast reduction and mastopexy. Further surgery to correct this can be challenging, with increased complications, and the...
How I Do It - Breast uplifts: how I do a mastopexy (or breast reduction) with or without implants
Summary and introduction A mastopexy is a breast uplift surgical procedure. It derives from the Greek for breast (mastos, meaning breast) and uplift (from the Greek pexis, meaning fixation). When we perform a mastopexy, we can perform the procedure on...